Essay Writing is a Art

Writing an essay can be a daunting task, especially when the word count is in the thousands. However, with a little bit of planning and organization, it is possible to create a well-written and thought-provoking essay that will impress your readers.

The first step in writing a thousand-word essay is to choose a topic that you are passionate about and have a strong understanding of. Once you have chosen a topic, it is important to conduct research and gather information from reputable sources. This will not only help you to understand the topic better, but it will also provide you with the information you need to support your arguments.

After you have gathered your research, it is important to create an outline. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ideas, and to make sure that your essay flows smoothly. The outline should include an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

In the introduction, you should introduce the topic and provide some background information. This is where you should also make your thesis statement, which is the main point of your essay. The thesis statement should be clear and concise, and it should be supported by the information you have gathered in your research.

The body paragraphs should be used to support your thesis statement. Each paragraph should have a main idea, and should be supported by evidence and examples. It is important to make sure that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next, and that there is a logical connection between them.

In the conclusion, you should summarize the main points of your essay, and restate your thesis statement. You should also provide some final thoughts or recommendations, and leave your readers with something to think about.

When writing your essay, it is important to use clear and concise language, and to avoid using jargon or technical terms that your readers may not understand. You should also make sure to proofread your essay and to check for any grammatical or spelling errors.

Overall, writing a thousand-word essay can be a challenging task, but with proper planning and organization, it is possible to create a well-written and thought-provoking essay that will impress your readers.



(a) Our failure to generate electricity according to our needs. 

(b) Supply of power resources has fallen short of its demand. 

2. Causes (Main Body) 

(i) Water level in Lakes is very low. 

(ii) New dams have not been constructed. 

(iii) Lack of resources to build thermal power stations & nuclear power stations. 

(iv) Expansion of industry and mechanization of agriculture. 

(v) Village electrification. 

(vi) Rise in standard of living. 

(vii) Pilferage of electricity. 

3. Remedies (Conclusion) 

(a) Construction of dams like Kala Bagh Dam. (b) Storage of water in lakes of dams. 

(c) Conservation of electricity. 

(d) Check on pilferage of electricity. 

Ever since Pakistan came into being, we have been facing a number of problems such as over-population, illiteracy, food shortage, unemployment, etc. 

Unfortunately, we could not overcome these problems and with the passage of time the number of these problems has increased. About 16 years ago nobody heard the term load-shedding. 

In the early 80's, the problem of load shedding cropped up. We have failed to generate electricity according to our needs. The demand for oil, gas and electricity is increasing rapidly but supply of these energy resources is dwindling. 

As a result, the government has to resort to frequent load-shedding, forced holidays in factories, early closing of shops, two official holidays in a week, etc. Our houses plunge into darkness and industry comes to standstill. 

We cannot irrigate our fields. The shortage of energy is adversely affecting the industrial and agricultural production and it is a major constraint to the economic development. Let us study the main causes of energy crisis here: 

First of all the water level in lakes of the dams likes Managla, Tarbela, Warsak, Rasul, Malakand, etc. is at times very low. As a result, the generation of power suffers a great deal. Then we have not constructed as many dams as we need. For example, the project of Kala Bagh Dam has fallen a victim to political controversy. If it is constricted, it will not only abridge the demand and supply gap of electricity but also meet our industrial needs.

Secondly, we do not have enough resources to build thermal power( electricity generated by coal, oil and gas) stations. A developing country like Pakistan cannot afford highly expensive thermal power projects. 

Thirdly, nuclear power can enable us to meet our growing energy demand but we do not have enough resources to build such power plants. Above all the world powers are not happy with us for such power projects and are pressurizing us to roll back our nuclear programme. 

Fourthly, with the setting up of new factories and mechanization of agriculture, demand of power is increasing. On the other hand supply of electricity is falling short of demand at an increasing rate every year. 

Fifthly, every year thousands of villages and new colonies in urban areas are supplied with electricity. This also causes an increase in the demand for electricity. 

Sixthly, with the rise of standard of living, there is a marked demand for electricity. Rich people, business firms and offices use air conditioners in summer. Besides, the use of refrigerators, T.V's & V.C.R's, deep freezers, etc is heavy loan electricity power. 

Finally, the evil of pilferage of electricity not only causes the shortage of energy but also to the national exchequer.

The energy crisis has given serious set-back to our economy. The process of industrialisation has been obstructed. There is a marked decline in the production of industrial and agricultural goods. As a result, their prices are rocketing to the sky. 

In order to overcome energy crisis, we will have to do a long term planning. We should make hectic efforts to increase energy resources in all possible ways. 

First of all, we should complete Kala Bagh Dam. It will help us overcome energy crisis and generate more electricity than our demand. Besides, we should set up thermal power stations. 

We must also store water in the lakes of dams that flaws down into the sea and goes waste. The people should conserve as much electricity as possible and avoid the use of air conditioners, T.V's & V.C.R's etc. It is also our national duty to avoid consumption of electricity for non productive purposes such as illumination in according to our needs; we shall not be able to keep pace with the advanced counties.

Electricity generation in Pakistan by different sources.

Natural gas 29%
nuclear 5.8%
Hyderal 30%
Oil  35%
Others 0.2%


1. Introduction 

An ever-lasting problem 

2. Causes 

(i) Over-population 

(ii) Lack of Rains, Fertilizer, Improved quality of seeds, Irrigation water 

(iii) Old methods of cultivation 

(iv) Water logging and salinity 

3. How to control the problem of food-shortage 

(i) Introduction of agri-mechanical technology

(ii) improved quality of seed 

(iii) Use of insecticides and sufficient fertilizer

Since the advent of life on this earth men and animals have been needing food for their survival. At times they face the problem of shortage of food that endangers their existence. Whenever famine breaks out, thousands of men and animals die because of starvation. 

Even in this modern age man has failed to overcome the problem of food shortage. Major part of the world is suffering from scarcity of food. Every year news media tell us about famine that hits most of Asian and African countries where thousands of men and animals die of hunger and starvation. 

There are many causes of food shortage. The most serious cause of this problem is over-population. The population of the world is multiplying at an alarming rate. The poor densely populated countries fall a victim to the rapid population growth. In these countries swarms of men eat up whatever economic growth is made. If this growth rate of population continues, they will never be able to get rid of the problem of food shortage.

Then the other important causes of food shortage are absence of rains, attack of insects on crops, the use of old and primitive methods of cultivation, fragmentation of land holdings, insufficient use of fertilizer, inferior quality of seeds, lack of irrigation facilities, water-logging and salinity, etc. 

The problem of food shortage can be tackled and every country can achieve the target of self-sufficiency in certain food grains and crops through careful planning. First of all rapid growth of popuiation should be controlled. For this purpose population planning should be introduced and people should be forced to have small family comprising two children. 

Then the farmers must give up age-old and primitive methods of cultivation. They should use developed technology in various cultivating operations like sowing, harvesting, thrashing, levelling, watering and weeding. 

The mechanical technology includes tractors, thrashers, harvesters, bulldozers. Besides, the use of improved quality seeds, balanced fertilizer, pesticides increases the yield of crops. 

The aforesaid measures cannot be adopted practically without the help and guidance of government. 

Government must provide the farmers with loans on easy terms and set up research centres to develop improved quality seeds.

 The agriculture department should extend advisory service to the farmers. Besides, for a proper irrigation system government should install tube wells, dig canals and build dams. 



1. Introduction 

Source of foreign earning 

2. Major Cash Crops 

Cotton, Rice, Wheat, Tobacco, Fruits, ,Kinno, Mango, Apple, etc. 

3. Promotion of Cash Crops 

Proper guidance for improving their quality and marketing abroad. 

4. Conclusion 

The term cash crop is used for those crops, which are exported abroad to earn foreign exchange. These crops mainly include cotton, rice, tobacco and fruits. 

Pakistan is an agricultural country. Our farmers grow a variety of crops. These crops not only fill the local needs of food in Pakistan it also provide raw material to our industry but also a large part of it is exported abroad to earn foreign exchange. It is important to note that our 27% of total exports consist of raw and processed produces. 

Cotton is the first major cash crop of our country: Pakistan being an agricultural country produces the finest quality of cotton and is exporting a big part of it to the international market. It is supplied to japan, China, Hong Kong and some European countries. The Cotton crop is grown in the provinces of Punjab and Sindh. Experiments are also being made to grow fine quality of cotton in these provinces. This crop requires special care and protection because every year it is threatened with the attack of insects and plant diseases. 

Rice is the second cash crop of Pakistan. It is grown in the provinces of Punjab and Sindh. The districts of Shiekhupura and Gujranwala are internationally known for Basmati rice. Pakistan monopoly in the production and trade of Basmati, which has worldwide demand. lts contribution to foreign exchange earning is over 22 percent. The major importers of rice are Turkey, Cameron, and Middle East Countries. These countries Import 80% of the total export of rice from Pakistan. 

Tobacco is the third cash crop of our country. It is cultivated in the provinces of Punjab, and N.W.F.P. But the climate of N.W.F.P. is highly congenial for the production of tobacco. The best quality Virginia tobacco is also grown in this province. This crop is not only providing raw material to our local cigarette industry but also a large part of it is exported to China and European countries. 

Fruits also make an important contribution to foreign exchange earnings. Fruits like orange, mango, dates and apple are exported to Middle East and European countries. These fruits are grown in the provinces N.W.F.P., Punjab and Blochistan. 

The cash crops play a vital role in foreign exchange earning. If the quality of these crops is improved and proper guidance for their marketing is provided to the cultivators and exporters, we can increase our foreign exchange earning.





1. Poverty Majority deprived of housing, health, food and educational facilities 

2. Low Productivity 

Absence of modern resources of agriculture, lack of fertiliser, pesticides, irrigation water, machinery, etc. 

3. Over-population 

(i) Alarming rate of population growth 

(ii) Huge population burden on Economy 

4. Unemployment 

(i) Unplanned Economic system 

(ii) Causes unrest among the young men 

5. Shortage of Energy 

(i) Power-generation fails to meet its demand

(ii) Decline in the production of agricultural and industrial goods 

6. Remedy 

Hectic efforts required to overcome these problems. 

In 1947 Pakistan came into being with a little resources and big problems. Since the emergence of Pakistan we have been facing host of problems, which are growing day by day. Though fairly considerable time has passed but we could not stabilize our economy. We have not gained self-sufficiency in many fields of life so far. 

The poor masses of this country have been caught in vicious circle of poverty. No serious effort has been made to solve the economic problems, which the people are facing. The major economic problems confronted by us are low productivity, poverty, unemployment, over-population, illiteracy, shortage of energy resources, etc. 

Pakistan is primarily an agricultural country. It is the major segment of our economy and main source of national income but it is still underdeveloped. Its out-put is very low. 

The cause of low productivity rate is that our farmers have not adopted modern implements of cultivation. They still use primitive plough for tilling the soil. They are not provided with adequate fertilizer and developed kinds of seeds. Moreover, pests, floods, and other natural calamities destroy crops every year. It results in low productivity per acre. 

Majority of the people are groaning under iron heels of poverty. They are deprived of basic facility of life. Their standard of living as compared to the people of developed countries is very low. 

They do not have adequate housing, health, food and educational facilities. Approximately more than 74% people are illiterate. Even 48% people cannot get potable water under these circumstance, the life of the people has become miserable. 

Similarly, we have lagged far behind in the field of science and technology. The technology employed in the production is out-dated. As a result, the cost of production is very high whereas industrial out-put is very low. The industrial low productivity is due to absence of industrial know-how, capital deficiency, lack of foreign exchange, etc.

Over-population is the third serious. problem faced by our country. Our population is increasing at an alarming rate i.e. 2.61% per annum. As a result, per capita income remains very low and there is shortage of basic amenities of life.

 Whatever the economic progress is made is devoured by the growing population. High birth rate is therefore, a burden on our economy and big obstacle to economic development. 

Unemployment is generally attributed to over-population. It is one of the most serious problems of Pakistan. With the passage of time, it is becoming more acute.

 The socio-economic system has failed to provide employment to the growing labour force. Unemployment is not confined to unskilled and illiterate people. Even highly educated young men are jobless. We have swarms of unemployed doctors, engineers, accountants, graduates and postgraduates who are wasting their talent.

 Unemployment is causing unrest  and frustration among the young men. They are a burden on our economy. 

Shortage of energy is not as old as other problems we discussed above. In the early 80's this problem cropped up. We have failed to generate electricity according to our growing needs. 

As a result, government has to resort to frequent load-shedding, forced holidays in factories, early closing of shops, etc. energy crisis has given a set-back to our economy. 

There is a decline in the production of industrial and agricultural goods. As a result, the prices of goods are rocketing to the sky. At present the demand and supply gap of electricity is 2000 M.V. The result is that we do not have energy to move the wheel of our industry and run tube-wells to irrigate our fields.



1. What are dams?

2. Economic effects of a dam

(i) Agriculture and drinking water 

(ii) Hydroelectric Power 

(iii) Flood control 

(iv) Agriculture 

(v) Industry 

Dam is such a structure that stops the flow of a river, stream, or other waterway. Some dams divert the flow of stream water or river water into a pipeline, canal, or channel. Others raise the level of inland waterways to make them negotiable for ships. Many dams straps or harness the energy of falling water to generate electric power. Dams also store water for drinking and crop irrigation, and provide flood control. 

From earliest times to the present, people have built dams to capture or store water to irrigate crops in that areas where rainfall does not provide enough ground moisture for plant growth. 

Large storage dams support enlightened modern irrigation systems that have dramatically altered the landscape of dry regions throughout the world. Dams also fill up or refill the water supply of cities and towns. 

Hydroelectric dams generate electricity. Hydroelectric dams straps the energy of water released from the reservoir to turn hydraulic turbines. 

The energy of the falling water is converted into mechanical energy by turbines, which is used to power electric generators. 

Dams also save low-lying areas from floods. Floods are happen when more rain falls than the soil and herbage or plants can absorb. 

The surfeit or surplus water runs off the land in greater quantities than rivers, streams, ponds and wetlands can contain. Such massive or heavy rains, and also snowmelt, periodically cause rivers to overspill their banks, spilling onto the surrounding floodplain. 

Ensuring floods can damage property and endanger the lives of people, animals and all living organisms. To handle floodwaters in floodplains, engineers sometimes construct a group of dams and reservoirs along streams that feed into main rivers. 

Cheap electricity attracts investments and so promotes industrialization of a region. For the development and progress of our country, we need to construct dams. 



1. Introduction 

Persistent rise in general price-level 

2. Causes 

(i) Excessive monetary expansion 

(ii) Deficit financing 

(iii) Non-development expenditures 

(vi) increased demand for goods 

(v) Political instability 

(vi) Black-money 

(vi) Rapid-population growth 

3. Remedies 

(i) Realistic Economic policy 

(ii) Reduction of excessive money-supply 

(iii) Curtail on development expenditures 

(vi) Simple life-style 

Inflation is defined as, Persistent rise in general price level in a country over a number of years. In a country inflation builds up when output of goods doesn't respond to supply of money. 

In other words when supply of money is excessive over production of goods and services, inflation build up. In Pakistan inflation has been rising persistently. There are different causes of inflation. Let us discuss them here:

First of all, excessive monetary expansion without corresponding increase in supply of goods has raised the price level in the country. 

Secondly, in order to finance development expenditure, our governments have been following the Policy of deficit financing. The supply of goods and services remained at the same level. The persevering deficit financing has led to price-rise. 

Thirdly, the non-development expenditure of government i.e. expenditure on foreign affairs, civil administration, etc. has considerably increased. This has resulted in excessive demand for food and service due to which price level has gone up. 

Fourthly, at times the government as well as private sector has been raising the salaries   and wages of employees and workers which has increased demand for goods. This factor has also contributed to inflationary trend in Pakistan. 

Fifthly, the rise in standard of people living style has increased demand for consumer goods and luxury items. Hence, the general price level of goods has risen. 

Sixthly, due to political instability the investment in the field of industry by private sector has not been done. As a result, the output of industrial goods does not respond to their demand. This has pushed up goods price level in the country.

Seventhly, the black money earned through smugging, hoarding, black-marketing and profiteering has also caused inflation.

Finally,  the rapid population growth is one of the major causes of inflation in Pakistan. In our country the population is increasing at an alarming rate i.e. 2.61% per annum. This has increased demand for basic necessities of life, i.e. wheat, rice, milk, clothing and housing, etc. This has caused a tremendous rise in price level.

Inflation has given rise to many socio economic problems. In order to control it, the government should adopt a realistic economic policy and reduce excessive money supply. 

The government should also curtail it's non-development expenditures. The output of consumer goods should be increased to meet their ever growing demand. For this purpose the government should encourage the investment by the private sector. The people should also play their role in controlling inflation in their countries. They should develop saving habit and adopt simple life style. They should not spend their earning lavishly on opulence of life.





1. Introduction 

2. Population statistics 

(i) World population was 5.57 billion in 1993 

(ii) Pakistan 9th populous country of the world

(iii) its growth rate 2.61% per annum 

3. Evils of over-population 

Illiteracy, ignorance, ack of basic amenities of life, diseases, and poor sanitary conditions 

4. Causes 

Ignorance, illiteracy, early marriages, religious belief, etc. 

5. How to check rapid growth rate 

Better education, enhancement of female marriageable age, Planned Parenthood. 

Rapid growth of population is one of the greatest and most serious problems which the world is facing today. It is not only negating all efforts of the economic and social uplift but also polluting the environment which is very vital for the existence of mankind. In other words the whole human race is confronting a serious threat to its very existence. 

The world population which was estimated to be 5.57 billion in 1993 is expected to increase to 10.00 billion in 2022. Pakistan is the 9th most country in the world. According to the 1998 census, its population is billion in at an estimated rate of 2.61% per annum. If this growth rate continues, its population will become double in 33 years. This rapid birth rate is causing a number of economic and social problems. 

Owing to huge population, majority of the people live in abject poverty. Pakistan is classified among those countries which has low income. The per capita income of Pakistan is estimated at 400 Us Dollars. Here the people are deprived ot basic amenities of life. 

The prevalence of poverty is wide spread and according to an estimate about 30 percent of population is below poverty line. More than half the population does not have access to medical facilities. The living conditions in Pakistan are not encouraging. Majority of the population lives in slums. Even in cities the sanitary conditions are far from satisfactory. The availability of  sanitation facilities in rural area is negligible.

The fast growing population is also polluting the environment. Some of natural resources such as forests, water supply and agricultural land under severe streets. Besides, unemployment, illiteracy and price rise are adding to the suffering of the people.

Above we discussed a few factors resulting from over population. Now let us have a look at the major factors responsible for higher birth rate in Pakistan. These are stated as ignorance, early marriages, illiteracy, religious belief, polygamy, aversion to planning measures, need for more earning hands, customs, etc.

If the present birth rate continues and pace of population growth is not checked, we will fail to save our economic conditions from further deterioration. Ignorance, illiteracy, hunger, unemployment, disease, etc, will be rampant. The suffering of people will be multiplied and the fruit of economic development will be eaten away by the growing population.

In order to meet the challenge of Over-population, the government as well as the people must take effective measures. The literacy rate should be enhanced. Better education will automatically create awareness among the people. Female marriageable age should also be enhanced. 

Government should popularize the idea of Planned Parenthood and make the people understand the fact that unchecked population growth is the "Mother of Evils". Above all pace of economic development should be accelerated to meet the needs of growing population.



1. Introduction: 

What is Unemployment?


2. Evils of Unemployment

Theft, robbery, smuggling. suicide 


3. Causes:

(i) Failure of agricultural sector 

(ii) Wrong educational system 

(iii) Slow pace of industrial development

(iv) Rapid growth of population

(v) Decline of cottage industry

4. Remedies 

(i) Radical change in educational system 

(ii) Process of industrialization be accelerated

(iii) Promotion of cottage industry 

(iv) Control of over-population 

(v) Export of skilled labour to needy countries

Unemployment is a state of involuntary idleness. It is also called a state of being available in production but not actually being in use. A man is called out of job when despite his willingness and fitness he is out of it and needs to be employed. Unemployment is a social evil because it corrupts the society. 

It causes frustration among the young men who are forced to adopt unfair means of living such as theft, robbery, smuggling, etc. These days most of the unfortunate cases of suicide result from unemployment. Unemployment is a world-wide problem. It is not Confined to developing countries like Pakistan. Even highly industrialized and developed countries like the U.S.A., Germany, and England etc are confronted with this problem. 

In Pakistan the evil shadow of unemployment is growing day by day. We have mobs of frustrated graduates and postgraduates who are confronted with the problem of unemployment. After the completion of education, they do not have ample opportunities of employment. 

There are many causes of unemployment. First, basically Pakistan is an agricultural country. Our agriculture sector has a limited scope for absorbing the increasing labour force. Employment outside the agriculture sector is also limited because of slow expansion of industrial sector. 

Secondly, unemployment is the result of rapidly growing output of the educational institutions. These institutions are producing thousands of unskilled graduates and postgraduates every year who are fit for clerical jobs only. These frustrated young men cannot be absorbed in government offices vocational institutions are not in adequate number in our country. Therefore, the output of technical and vocational institutions is less than that of general colleges. 

Thirdly, the slow pace of industrial development is also a cause of unemployment in our country. Increasing labour force cannot be absorbed in industrial sector. The process of industrialization is slow due to low volume of savings, shortage of foreign exchange and lack of technical know-how. 

Fourthly, rapidly growing population is also one of the major causes of unemployment. In our country rate of population growth is much higher than that of development resources. As a result, a developing country with meagre resources cannot provide employment facilities to thousands of young men every year. 

Fifthly, the decline of cottage and small industries also causes unemployment. The demand for local products has decreased. The local artisans are forced to leave their occupations. 

The following measures are suggested to tackle the problem of unemployment: 

(1) Our education system should be radically changed. The number of technical and vocational institutions should be increased so that we may have skilled and trained young men who can be employed in factories and workshops. Higher education should be allowed to talented people only. At secondary level education should be more comprehensive and job-oriented. 

(2) The process of industrialization should be accelerated to provide more employment to the increasing labour force. 

(3) The government should develop small and cottage industries in rural areas which can absorb increasing labour force. 

(4) The control of population is essential to overcome the problem of unemployment. The government should motivate the people to adopt Planned Parenthood. 

(5) Finally, trained and skilled workers should be exported to Gulf States and other needy countries to release the pressure of unemployment. 


1. Introduction 

(i) Stoppage of work 

(ii) A toot to press the demand 

2. Harms 

(i) Undesirable weapon

(ii) Violence, arson, damage to property, Injury

3. Remedies 

(i) Harmonious relationship between the labour class and management 

(ii) Enforcement of progressive and positive labour policy 

(iii) Protection of interest of both employees and employers and employees to have their grievances redressed.

Types of strikes

(i) General Strike

(ii) Token Strike

Strikes are a normal feature of modern life. It is not confined to labour class only. Even students, government employees, transporters, teachers, doctors, shopkeepers, traders etc go on strike to press their demands. It is interesting note that these days' factory owners and large-scale businessmen use the weapon of strike against excise and taxation laws framed by the government. 

Now let us see how strike came to be used as a tool for demanding one's rights. After the Industrial Revolution, large scale industry started. More and more workers were engaged to move the wheel of industry. They were at mercy of their employers who exploited them for their interest. But with the advancernent of learning and introduction of democracy, the workers became conscious of their rights. They used the weapon of strike to press their demand. This situation gave rise to confrontation between two factions' employers and employees. The workers regard the employers as exploiter and bloodsucker. On the contrary, the employers look upon them their personal servants and subject them to inhuman treatment. 

Today, we find unrest and dissatisfaction in the workers of developing countries including Pakistan. They demand higher wages, security of service, extra- payment for over-time, better working conditions, social amenities, profit sharing, bonus, etc. In case their demands are turned down, they get frustrated and go on strike. Sometimes, strikes result in violence, arson, damage to property, injury even death. 

Strike is not a desirable weapon as it often causes irreparable loss to employees, employers and government. It should be used very carefully. Sometimes, strike paralyses entire human life. It causes a decline in production that results in price-rise. Business transaction is suspended, supply of food discontinues and communication is disturbed. In short the whole human life comes to a stand still.

However, if the workers are exploited by the employers, their demand are justified. And in case they tail to reach any negotiation, they have a right to go on strike But the workers should remain peaceful and avoid violence.

Industrial peace is essential for the progress and prosperity of a country. There should be harmonious relationship between the labour class and management. For this purpose, the government should frame and enforce a progressive and positive policy which may promote and protect the interest of both the faction's employees and employers. This will bring about industrial harmony and peace. 



1. Introduction 

(i) Illegal transportation of goods 

(ii) An international abuse 

(iii) Wide-spread in Pakistan 

2. Harms of Smuggling 

(i) Threat to local industry 

(ii) Harmful to importers and manufacturers

(iii) Loss to national exchequer 

3. Causes 

(i) Lust for money 

(Ii) Evasions of custom duty 

(iii) involvement of custom police and other agencies 

4, How to check smuggling 

Smuggling is illegal transportation of goods from one country to another country. It is like two way traffic — goods are smuggled into as well as out of country. Both the forms are illegal and as such punishable, Normally, contraband and costly goods are smuggled. Besides, those goods also attract the smugglers on which custom duty is imposed. The evil of smuggling is not confined to some countries rather it has become an international abuse. Throughout the world strong and organized bands of smugglers are actively indulged in smuggling of narcotics, electronic goods, luxuries, etc. 

These days our country is threatened with a number of socio-economic evils and smuggling is one of them. It is rampant in our country. We have mushroom growth of so-called Bara Markets almost in every city where smuggled items are dealt in without check and balance. One may find smuggled goods on large scale even in broad day light along the foot paths of the busy roads. 

The range of products smuggled into Pakistan is very large and includes electric and electronic goods like television sets, VCR's and their spare parts, plastic goods, knit wears, synthetic carpets, etc. There are hundreds of shops and a large scale net-work of markets where roaring business of smuggling is going swing. One may buy smuggled items of foreign origin with assurance of safe home delivery. It is important to note that the heinous business of smuggling is being done with the active collaboration of custom police and other agencies. Without their support smuggling on large scale would not be possible. 

Smuggling is assuming an alarming proportion and is telling upon the health of the economy of the country. It is doing great harm to the local importers and manufacturers. For example, the electrical goods industry and T.V. manufacturers and assemblers are now finding difficult to sell their local products. Similarly, the local cigarette industry is suffering adversely. Even some factories had to be closed down. Thus smuggling is causing an irreparable loss to local industry. This will certainly, result in unemployment. 

Smuggling also causes big loss to national exchequer. The smugglers deprive the government of revenue which is collected in form of duty and taxes. The annual estimated loss calculated by central board of revenue comes over 10 billion. This is direct loss to government revenue. But the total loss to the economy is many more. 

The smugglers are the worst enemy of the economy of a nation. They not only harm the local industry but also cause an irreparable loss to national exchequer. Government should frame strict anti-smuggling laws to stop this illegal trade. The smugglers should be given exemplary punishment in order to discourage smuggling and save local industry from being ruined. Moreover, being patriot, we should refrain from buying smuggled goods and prefer to buy native products. We should practise the maxim. "Be Pakistani and buy Pakistani", 




1. Introduction: 

A financial institution

2. Origin of banking system 

3. Functions of Bank 

(i) Keeps money 

(ii) Advances loans 

(iii) Discounts bills of exchanges 

(vi) Transfers money 

4. Kinds of Banks 

5. Conclusion 


Bank is a financial institution that plays a vital role in the economic development of a country. If the bank ceases to work, the whole economy of the country will be crippled. 

The origin of banks dates back to 1694 when the first Central Bank was established. Before the creation of banking system the function of lending and depositing money was performed by the money-lenders and goldsmiths. The people would leave their gold and other valuables for safe keeping with them. Gradually, the trustees began to realize that the quantity of gold or valuables left with them would not be called at once and they could safely lend part of it to others for a short period at a profit. On the other hand, the people came to realize that the receipt given by a reputable goldsmith was as good as gold itself. People could get loan merely by handing over the receipt. Hence, we have in embryo, the emergence of banking system. The banks have many functions to perform.

For example, they keep money in safe custody, advance loans to businessmen and entrepreneurs and perform many services as an agent of their clients. They also provide utility services to their clients by keeping their precious documents, gold, ornaments, bonds, etc. in safe custody in their lockers. Then a commercial bank receives foreign exchange earned by exporters and makes payments to foreign traders on behalf of the importers. Banks are of many types. For instance, commercial bank, agricultural bank, mortgage bank, exchange bank, saving bank, etc. 

The primary function of commercial bank is to earn profit and maximize it. For this purpose it receives deposits from public in different accounts, It advances loans from public deposits to different business firms and thereby creates credit money. Besides, it discounts bills of exchange, transfers money from one place to another and keeps valuables and important documents in lockers. 

Agricultural bank provides long term and short term credit facilities to farmers. Thus it enables them to purchase tractors, tube-wells, fertilizer, etc. 

Industrial bank gives medium and long term loans to set up new industries and for the extension of industries already in operation. Mortgage bank provides loan to people against their movable and immovable property. Exchange bank deals in foreign exchange. It provides credit to importers and exporters by discounting bills of exchange. 

Co-operative bank provides credit facilities to small farmers to raise their income. Saving bank induces people to accumulate their small saving with it. It pays reasonable amount of interest on the saving. 

Keeping in view the above details, we can say that the banks play a remarkable rote in the economy of a country, In the absence of the banks, its economy becomes destitute. 




1. Introduction 

Indispensable for maintenance of life 

2. Teachings of Islam 

(i) Fair acquisition and right use of wealth 

(ii) Austerity and simplicity 

(iii) Spending on betterment of humanity 

3. Conclusion 

Right use of wealth is a blessing 

The proverb "Money makes the mare go" highlights the fact that we cannot do without wealth to live in this world. We need wealth to keep our soul and body together. It enables us to purchase food, clothing, housing etc. Without wealth we cannot meet the basic needs of our life. So it is indispensable for maintenance of life and the rich and the poor alike crave for it. 

Islam, on the one hand, emphasizes the fair and legitimate acquisition of wealth and on the other, prevents us from spending it wastefully and extravagantly. According to the Holy Quran, a spend-thrift and extravagant is the brother of Satan, we should, therefore, be extremely careful about using wealth. We should avoid spending wealth indiscriminately on dainty dishes, expensive dresses, amusements, palatial houses, etc. Similarly, we should refrain ourselves from spending money lavishly on festivals and social customs like Eids, marriages, birthdays, etc. 

We should adopt austerity and simplicity at individual as well as government level. The government should curtail non-developmental expenditures and avoid spending money on furnishing offices, arranging functions and purchasing expensive cars. A developing country like Pakistan cannot afford luxurious life style. 

The majority of the people in our country are poor. They cannot fill their basic needs of life i.e. food, clothing and housing. Most of them cannot afford educational and welfare centres for the poor masses. The rich should display their generosity by setting up schools, hospitals, libraries, Parks, welfare centres, etc. so that the poor may also have an access to the amenities of life. There is no better use of wealth than spending it for the betterment of mankind. 

There are a number of famine stricken and starving countries in Africa. Their people do net have a square meal and are dying of hunger. The rich countries, especially the big powers, should devote their resources to ameliorate their condition instead of making weapons for the destruction of mankind. The wealth spent on providing them with food, is the right use of wealth. Whatever is spent on saving the world from war, hunger and pollution are spent well. So we should spend our wealth on bringing peace and prosperity in this world. 

Last but not least, while spending money, we should not go beyond the limits of our income. Right use of wealth saves us from worries and miseries. The man who does not live within the limits of his income, lands himself in debt and has to face financial hardships. He loses credibility  in society. According to saying of the holy prophet (S.A.W) one who spends his money thriftily never becomes poor. We should not spend our whole earning on filling our present needs rather we should lay by a part of it for our future. In short, right use of wealth or money is a great blessing for oneself as well as others. 



Price rise is burning question of today. The prices of goods are rocketing to the sky and the purchasing power of people is decreasing day by day. Especially, the salaried class is hard hit by price rise. The prices of consumer goods. i.e. vegetables, sugar, ghee, milk, wheat, grain, pulses, meat, tea, etc. are rapidly increasing and these seems to be no check on them. If the rapid price rise is not controlled, the poor masses will not be able to keep their soul and body together. 

Here we suggest some measures to control price rise: 

1. The government should adopt strict and tight monetary policy as a preliminary step to control inflation. This will help in reducing supply and expansion of money which will ultimately result in reduction of price level. 

2. The GNP must be rapidly increased and its rate must be greater than the growth rate of population. For this purpose the government should tap more natural resources, introduce modern techniques of production, increase labour- efficiently and encourage private sector to invest. This will certainly control rise in price. 

3. The lavish non-development expenditures by the government institutions and elected representatives must be curtailed. It is also one of the important steps to control price rise. 

4. Majority of the people of our country spend their money lavishly on marriages, foods, clothes, luxury goods that contribute to rise in price. If the people. adopt simple living and avoid unnecessary expenditures, price rise can be controlled. 

5. The rapid growth of population has increased demand for commodities which has resulted in pulling up the level of prices in the country. The rapid population growth must be checked to control price rise. 

6. The government should avoid deficit financing to finance development expenditures. This will go a long way in controlling price rise in the country. 

7. Excessive speculation and hoarding have been causing price rise in the country. The investor class should be encouraged to invest in capital intensive projects. This will bring down the price level. 

8. Black money has pushed the level of prices in the country. If the black money is discouraged, the price rise can be controlled.

9. The people are spending their money on purchase of land and construction of houses and plazas which has contributed to rise in price. The government should prevent the people from spending money on unproductive purposes to check price rise. prices.

10. Friday, Tuesday and Sunday bazaars must be held to supply commodities of daily use at controlled prices. This will be an effective measure to control price rise. 

11. The government should arrange supply of essential items at cheaper rate than the open market. This will control price rise in the country. 

12. The government should form price control committees consisting of elected representatives and district level officers to control the profiteers. These committees will prevent them from raising the prices.

13. The consumer committees play an important role in checking prices in the advanced centuries. If we constitute consumer committees, we can also control price rise effectively in pur country.

14. If government supplies agricultural inputs at subsidized rate to the farmers, the agricultural products will certainly be available at cheaper rate. This will have a positive effect on general prices of the goods.

If the aforesaid measures are taken in letter and spirit, the price rise can be controlled effectively and the purchasing power of the people can be enhanced. Thus the people will be able to heave a sigh of relief.



1. Introduction 
2. Preambles of WTO 
3. Functions of WTO 
4. Benefit of WTO 
5. Conclusion 

In today's world, there are many issues in need of reformation, one of which is international trade, otherwise known as gIobalisation. Although there are a great deal of policies, rules and regulations that imposed on international trade, the manner in which those rules have been enforced is a major controversy that seems to be escalating day by day. At the center of the disagreement (controversy), is the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO was accepted in 1995 in order to transform the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) into an enforceable global commercial code. Critics of the WTO say that instead of being democratic and in the interest of member countries, it has become the enforcer of corporate managed trade. 

A system whose ethics are not in favour of the public interest, instead the focus has shifted to large corporations and making money. Profit is the motivating factor behind decision made by the WTO. By looking at international trade from the rational perspective, the WTO has not only failed to protect workers, consumers and the environment, it has also obtain or acquired a number of opponents and protestors. 

World Trade Organization (WTO) promotes growth, well being & less develop country's share in growth of trade. The purpose of WTO establishment is to protect & preserve environment WTO promotes fair trade. In name of harmonisation, the WTO forces countries to the lowest common denominator of environmental & labour protection. 

WTO provides framework for administration & implementation of agreement & forum for further negotiations. WTO promotes greater coherence among members. A prominent issue concerning WTO is organically produced food. WTO works for removing tariffs & reducing custom duties up to 5% WTO works for removing import restrictions.

 It works for the betterment of the human on al! over the world. 

Countries fighting with one another to get the better deal create tariffs & taxes to maximize their profit. This fighting leads to bad relation with competing countries & little producing countries get the short end of this stick. Regulations & organization have been establish to help every one to get the best deal such as WTO, but not every one wants help. 

As managers, we should differentiate or distinguish the rational perspective from the emotional perspective and incorporate them both into a positive solution to the conflict. It is important for us to achieve a balance b/w the monetary and humanitarian interests in this issue. Because rational views- heavily outweigh emotional views wherever the WTO is involved, incorporating some compassion and surrender the only way we can correct this unbalanced systems. In order to minimize our opportunity costs, we must shift a bit away from wealth and distinction and towards cooperation and happiness. 

As managers, we need to change the way the World Trade Organization deals with many issues concerning trade such as the problems for the farmers, and supporting groups such as the Global Trade Watch, which is working hard to correct the errors being made by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and by the international trade industry in general. 



(a) Introduction 
1. Introduction to Commerce Education. 

(b) Main Body 
2. Commercial education deals with the subjects of buying and selling. 
3 The aim of the Commercial Education. 
4. Present, Past & Future of Commercial Education. 
5. Level of colleges and universities is low in Pakistan. 
6. Commercial Education is necessary as Technical Education. 

(c) Conclusion 
Steps should be taken to promote Commercial Education. 

Industry and Commerce are the most popular professions in every country. In the world, there are more people are employed in commerce and Industry than in any other profession. The advances in technology have brought about a revaluation in Commerce and as a result it is now expanding very fast. In Pakistan also, the time has come for a speedy progress and development. The importance or consequence of commercial education, therefore, becomes obvious. 

Commercial Education deals with the subjects of, buying and selling, so it is must for all the young men and women of our country. It becomes all the more important because we do not have sufficient number of trained commercial hands. 

The basic object of commercial education is to teach our young men the basic as well as advanced theories and practices of commerce. Business administration and management require a good knowledge of business subjects. If the standard of commerce and business in Pakistan is to be improved, the study of commerce as a subject at the college and university level is very important. The term "Commercial Education" also includes practical training. Specialized training in the field of commerce also covers professional course like costing, income tax practice and higher statistics. This training is an additional requirement for business career, and should therefore form a part of commercial education however enough to meet the rising demands of our industry for trained mind. After sometimes, therefore, independent commerce institutes and colleges, a large number of students are now taught so that the students could prepare themselves for the future requirements of their profession. The future of Commercial Education is bright in Pakistan. More and more commercial college are also being opened. Commercial Education in the form of Typewriting, Short Hand, Book Keeping, Business Methods, Accounting and Banking is now imparted at various levels. 

Commercial Education is as necessary as technical or Science education. The reason, as already stated, is that the commerce and trade are progressing very fast everywhere in the world. It is therefore, clear that the study course in commerce and some practical training in them is the need of the day. It will enable our students to understand the complex nature of today's commerce, trade and business. 

The Government should take steps in promoting commercial education Commercial Institutes should be opened in big and small cities. Awareness of Commercial Education should be focused on. The private sector should help Govt. in imparting commercial education. We hope that professional institutes will give of more and more attention to this need of the nation and will endeavour to produce sufficient number of young people to take up the leadership in the field of Accounting, Management and Administration of Trade and Industry. 



Commerce is the sum of activities involved in the producing and moving goods from producer's firm or farm to consumers home. It includes industry, trade, transport, warehousing, insurance, banking and other services. Ours is the age of commerce. Countries no longer strive for self-sufficiency, nor do they modify their culture and standard of living to meet purely national needs. What one country lacks is supplied by another country; and what particular region enjoys is soon desired by its neighbouring regions. Exchange and barter of commodities are now carried out on an international scale. 

The banker acts as an expert intermediary and the prospects are unlimited for those who wish to extend inter regional or foreign trade. The whole world is lying before them tempting, challenging and offering immense prospects to one who has the intelligence and imagination to take a step forward. But commerce is not very easy path to tread and prevail. To succeed in any commercial line, it is necessary to be honest. Next to being honest, one must also be hardworking. This is the minimum that is needed for success in the field of Commerce. A businessman should have the capacity for creating confidence both in his assistants, as well as clients. This involves an indefinable quality called personality. A businessman must be reasonable, persuasive, sweet mannered and high minded. Some degree of imagination is also necessary to ensure that proper investments are made in anticipation of the rising curves of demand. But the flow of imagination must be controlled so that it may not be gambling with destiny. Above all, one must be patient for, as the economists say, wealth is only a deferred enjoyment. One must know how 'to stand and wait'. 

There is a great scope for a hard-working, intelligent young man/woman in the field of commerce. There are as many branches of trade as there are temperaments to suit. One may take up banking or insurance. One may devote his capital and industry to the building up of a factory for producing commodities. One may enter profitably in the export ad import markets. A retailer's shop is by no means to be despised, and a wholesaler's business is the gate-way to over widening business enterprise. Choice has to be made according to temperament and opportunities. Hereditary tendencies are often a deciding factor. Sometimes, unexpected opportunities may offer an immediate incentive. Anyhow, the scope is immense for the young man of character and training to come forward and join business ventures in order to succeed and prosper.



1. Introduction 

Wonder of modern age 

2. Use of Computer 

(i) Widely used in government and private offices 

(ii) I Useful in trade and commerce 

3. Websites may be prepared in

Agriculture, Industry, Health, Education etc. 

4. Conclusion 

Indispensable in modern life 

Computer is, unquestionably, one of the wonders of our age. It has brought about revolutionary changes in every field of our life. Now, it is the age of computer and information technology. Information technology means communication of message and exchange of information through computer. 

Now computer has become basic necessity of every educated person. At present about 310 million computers are working in the world. Coomputer has played a vital role in the economic progress of the developed countries. In our country the use of computer is growing in every field of life rapidly. We are making use of this modern technology at both government and private level. Almost all the lending commercial and business concerns are using computer. For example, it is playing an important role in our banking system. It has replaced the  time consuming process of maintenance of ledger, debit and credit of accounts, etc. Computer helps in calculation of large amounts in seconds. Certain banks have linked their branches in different cities through computer network.This has made business transaction far easier, faster and safer than the past. 

Most of the business firms are using computers for maintaining the record of their stock and supply, purchase and sale of goods. Through Internet, record of their stock and supply, purchase and sale of goods. Through Internet, they get valuable information which is highly vital for promotion of their business. While making use of computer in our country, we should keep in view the progress made by the developed countries with the help of information technology. In this way we can develop our industry, agriculture, trade, etc. and keep pace with the modern world. 

The developed countries have prepared a web site to enhance their exports that provides information about their exports. Pakistan's ministry of trade and commerce has also developed such web site to provide information to the industrialists. This has enabled our exporters to know about the raw material, production, the rates of and demand for their products. Details about their local consumption and demand in market abroad can be fed in the web site. 

Ministry of agriculture needs to prepare an agricultural web-site for agricultural development that should contain details about the quality of land, devices to control salinity and water logging, supply of fine quality seed, fertilizer, etc. 

The government has to advertise vacant posts through different newspapers that cost millions of rupees per annum. The government can save this huge amount if it prepares a separate employment web site. Similarly, web site of railway and airlines timetable can be prepared. In this way the passengers will be able to know about the arrival and departure of trains. They can also get information about the berths available.

For health facilities, health web site may be prepared which would provide information regarding different diseases and the doctors for their treatment. This will enable the people to have awareness about the diseases and consult the concerned doctor. The education department can prepare a web site to provide information regarding different subjects. It is proper to mention here that one can know the results of different boards and universities through Internet. 

In short today computer encompasses almost all the aspects of our life. We cannot do without computer. The time is not far away when a man without the knowledge of computer will be considered illiterate and living in the dark ages. 



(a) What does nuclear disbarment mean?

Main Body 
(b) Why we must oppose nuclear weapons?

(i) The moral dimension. 
(ii) The nuclear weapons a serious danger.
(iii) The diversion from real needs. 
(iv) A race against time. 

(c) Nuclear disbarment is necessary for the survival of world. 

Nuclear disbarment means to free our world from the danger of nuclear weapons and secure the future of our new generation and provide them a fear free life to spend. 

We must oppose nuclear weapons because nuclear weapons are means of mass destruction regardless of who wields them. They are weapons of genocide. They can impose horrible or horrendous suffering on victims across generations. They can destroy the ecosystem. The damage due to nuclear weapons is lasting and incurable. The sheer scale and character of the devastation they can cause make them a profound and distinctive evil. For this and other reasons, the possession, use, or threat of use of nuclear weapons is absolutely unethical or immoral(bad). 

Nuclear weapons do not provide 'national security' but it increase insecurity and paranoia(delusions). Time and once more the Nuclear Age began in 1945, the whole world has come to the brink of a nuclear exchange by design, miscalculation, or accident. If the world continues to have nuclear weapons, it's far very likely that they'll be used sometime, someplace. Nuclear weapons and the palms race generate mutual suspicion and fear all round. 

Nuclear arming is not only dangerous and threatening but also economically wasteful. Alternative use of such resources will eliminate illiteracy, dramatically improve health care, and provide a basic social security for all the people of the world. The economic cost of a spiralling arms race will be devastating and the marginalized will be pushed further to the periphery. 

Early nuclear disarmament is essential for a crucial link in the struggle for an egalitarian, socially just society and world. Thus the struggle for nuclear disarmament must connect with national, regional, local concerns and global, particularly in the context of internecine conflicts driven by imperialist, fundamentalist and militarist ideologies in the world today. The struggle must be comprehended by the people of all counties to be a race against time. We owe the children of tomorrow a nuclear guns-free world.

Nuclear disbarment is necessary for the survival of the world because if nuclear war starts it will destroy everything.



1. One thing that remains safe from the wrath of technology is newspaper. 
Main Body 
2. An easier source for the new generation for the latest updates and information.
3. Provides detailed description on all aspects of life. 
4. People can advertise in newspaper to promote their business. 
5. Newspaper is turning the new generation a potato ouch. 
6. Newspapers in the evenings run on false new.
7. Newspapers of the current era are corrupted with journalism. 
Life is all about making the correct choice so one must be choosy in what he should read. 

Cyber technology and the latest trends have really changed this world. Surprisingly the world is advancing at such a pace that everything seems to have change dramatically. With the technological and digital changes one thing that is safe from the wrath of globalisation and modernization seems to be newspaper. 

The new generation finds it arduous to go through large encyclopaedias and fat books. They, hence find it convenient to find abridged and useful information on the Internet and the television. However newspaper is one thing that remains in fashion. With the rising sun and the arrival of a new day we find a fresh roll of newspaper at our doorstep. As fresh as our morning breakfast; crisp and unread; ready to be unrolled by the subscriber. Teenagers and even youngsters keep themselves up to date with the latest events and news on current happenings. 

Most of the newspapers nearly make all their money from advertising; the income from the customer's payment at the newsstand is small in comparison. For that reason newspapers are inexpensive to buy and some are free. The portion of the newspaper that is not advertising is known as the editorial content. Since newspapers began as a journal therefore the procession involved in the making of newspapers began to be called journalism. In the yellow journalism era of the 19th century, many newspapers in the United States relied on sensational stories that were meant to anger or excite the public, rather than to inform. The more restrained style of reporting that involves requires fact checking and accuracy regained popularity after World War 2. 

In the past newspapers have been owned by so called press-barons. Criticism of journalism is varied and sometimes vehement. Credibility is questioned because of anonymous resources; errors in facts; spelling and grammar; real or perceived bias; and scandals involving plagiarism and fabrication. 

Newspapers in the past were either used as a rich man's toy or a political tool. More recently in the United States a greater number of newspapers are being run by large media corporations. There is no doubt that newspapers in the modern world played an important role in the freedom of expression. Whistle blowers and those who leak stories of corruption in political circles often choose to inform newspapers before other media of communication relying on the perceived willingness to expose the secrets and facts of those who would rather cover them. 

Mud slinging and character assassination have become somewhat common for most of the newspapers. With freelance paparazzi that roam around at large and being false news to be published in the evening. However, there have been many circumstances of the political autonomy of the newspapers being curtailed. 

The future of newspapers seems to be cloudy with overall readership slowly declining in most of the developed countries due to the increasing competition from newspaper and the Internet. The 57th annual World News Congress held in Istanbul in 2004 reported that circulation increases in only 35 of the 208 major countries that have been studied. The world is vast and so are the ways of thinking of people. One must choose what and what not to read. After all life is all about making the correct choice! 



1. Introduction 
An effective device to create demand 
2. Different ad-media 
Newspaper, radio, T.V., neon-signs, signboards, banners, etc 
3. Uses of advertisement 
(i) Useful for both customers and sellers 
(ii) Encourages competition among different
4. Harmful aspects
(i) Enhances the cost of production 
(ii) Befools the simple customers
 5. Conclusion 

The large scale and swift production of goods has given rise to the problem of their distribution and sale. The producers, manufacturers and businessmen want to create demand for their products in public. All the time they are anxious about promoting sale of their ever-increasing products. Besides, there is a competition among different firms for the sale of their products.

How do they boost up their sale? The most proper answer to this question is advertisement. Advertisement is one of the most effective and easiest devices to create demand for goods and services in public. It is an art of influencing the customers so that they may purchase the goods. Advertisement introduces commodity to them through the use of media such as newspaper, radio, T.V., neon signs, sign-boards, cinema slides, banners, posters, etc. It arouses interest, influences the mind of the consumers and creates demand for goods. 

These days advertisement has become a science. Most of the firms employ advertising experts who publicize the products in a novel way. Their advertisement has strong appeal for the people who are convinced of usefulness of the products. For example, when the ladies watch designs of fabrics displayed by a model girl, they are induced to buy them. 

Today advertisement plays a vital role in conducting and expanding business. It has been universally accepted that advertisement is an important tool of marketing of products. Almost every established firm has to rely on it for the sale of its products. 

Advertisement is useful for both the businessman and the customer. It saves the time and labour of the businessman which he spends on arguing with the customer regarding the selection of goods. Similarly, the customer prefers to purchase advertised things without care and hesitation. 

As advertisement increases the demand for goods, the businessman is inspired to produce them on large scale which in turn reduces the cost of each unit. 

It also encourages competition among different firms. It not only leads to the production of better quality of goods but also provides the customer with goods at a competitive rate. Advertisement is a mixed blessing because it has harmful aspects as well. One of the major objections is that it enhances the cost of production. The businessmen spend huge amount of money on publicity of their products, which becomes a part of the cost of production. Ultimately, the customer has to bear advertising cost as well.

Sometimes, clever businessmen befool the simple customers through attractive advertisement and sell sub standard goods. Like-wise some quacks entrap simple people especially the young men who buy their harmful medicines. 

However, looking at both sides of the picture, we may conclude that no large-scale business can be run without advertisement. It is useful for both the businessman and the customer. 



1. Introduction 

What is bill about? 

2. Main Body 

  • Key features of the bill. 
  • Rights of women in the light of bill. 
  • A step towards progress and development.
  • First step towards women's legal protection. 
  • It may spread obscenity. 
  • It may promote western culture. 

3. Conclusion 

No country can make progress without participation of women segment. 

The Wednesday, November 15, was described as 'a historic day' as National Assembly passed "Women Rights Protection Bill 2006". Bill was supported by majority votes, National Assembly passed the bill to reform Pakistan's rape laws. It was needed to end cruelties against women. 

The objective of the amendments made in the bill is to make `Zina'(adultery) and `Qazf' (False Accusation) punishable in accordance with Islam to prevent exploitation and curb abuse of police power.

Constitutional body repealed section `496-B' which describes 'Adultery' as 'Lewdness'. Whoever commits lewdness shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years and a fine of Rs. 10,000. 

Another amendment is in shape of `496-C', which is firewall (Qazf). It says that whoever brings false charges of lewdness against any person shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years and shall also be liable to a fine not exceeding Rs. 10,000. 

Measures are taken for progress and development of women and to give them their due status in the society. They are included in development process by giving them representation in every democratic institution including assemblies and senate. 

Women job quota has also been increased from 6% to 10% in federal government department that is a step towards development. 

They have been given right to get their share from property, to take their personal decision regarding marriages, education, job etc. on their own and to take part in development of the country. 

All the anti Islamic traditions like forced marriages, honour killing, marriages with the Holy Quran, sale and purchase of women, exchange marriages (watta satta) and deprivation from inheritance are banned to protect women. It is the first step towards women's legal protection.. They can approach to court without any fear of being arrested.

Many people are of the opinion that changes made in the law relating to 'Adultery' and 'False Accusation' are against Islamic injunctions, so they may spread vulgarity and obscenity. 

Rights given to women in the bill may promote western culture in an Islamic State.

Islam never bars empowering the suppressed classes specially women. No country can make progress without participation of women segment of the society. Rights given to women in the bill will redress maltreatment with women and will release women from clutches of old customs that have nothing to do with Islamic teaching's. 



1. Introduction

Misconception about the word labour 

2. Importance of Labour 

(i) Vital role in our life 

(ii) The Holy Prophet's (S.A.W) life 

(iii) Role played in the development of advanced countries 

3. Pakistan's development depends upon Labour and hard-work 

4. Conclusion

Labour generally means manual work — a work done with hands and hard work. Unfortunately, this work is used in a negative sense. People having narrow mind or negative approach refer the word labour to professions adopted by carpenters, masons and their assistants, farmers, cobblers, porters, etc. They also associate them with lower middle class of society. As a matter of fact, these professions are by no means derogatory or below one's dignity rather people having these professions are benefactor of society. They play a vital role for peace and prosperity of our life. For example, a mason builds a house to shelter us, a tailor sews clothes to cover our body and a farmer tills the soil to feed us. In the absence of this labour class our life would become difficult and miserable. 

The people who consider manual work or labour as mean and insulting, suffer from so-called superiority complex. Their attitude is wrong and condemnable. God does not send men in this world labelled as high or low. All human beings are equal. The distinction is man made. Islam does not allow distinction on the basis of profession. It underlines the need of earning honest living irrespective of any profession. According to our Holy Prophet, (Allah's blessing and salutations be upon him) one who earns honest living is beloved of God. His life highlights dignity of labours. He carried bricks for the construction of mosque, dug trenches in the battlefields and did not feel ashamed in mending his outworn shoes. Once he kissed a labourer's hands which were hard and coarse.

Unfortunately, we ignore the bright example set by our holy prophet (Allah's blessings and salutations be upon him) and consider manual work undignified. We also look down upon the labour class. Moreover we think it below dignity to do our work with our own hands. Most of the people prefer to see their children receive college education and enter white-collar jobs. When they fail to get a white collar job, they become a burden on society and add to unemployment. Similarly, young people prefer clerical jobs to the work of mason while the latter is monetarily more rewarding. 

In industrially advanced countries the maxim "Dignity lies in labour" is practised in letter and spirit. in these countries the labour class enjoys a respectable place in the society. The labourers and workers are handsomely paid. The people of these countries do not consider  manual work below their dignity. To them there is nothing shameful in working in a factory as welder, fitter, mechanic, plumber, foreman, etc. Japan is the glaring example of dignity of labour. In the World War II Japan saw the worst disaster of the human history. But the people of Japan firmly believed in dignity of labour. They did not feel ashamed in working in factories and workshops as labourers. Now Japan has world markets. Its economy is so stable that Yen is one of the strongest currencies of the world. This example highlights the fact that the more there is dignity of labour, the more is a country economically and industrially advanced.

Pakistan is a developing country. We have lagged far behind in the field of science and technology. We cannot keep pace with the advanced countries unless we practically believe in dignity of labour. We have to fight unemployment, ignorance, illiteracy, shortage of food. We can overcome these problems with labour and hard work only. 




1. What is dengue fever?

Main Body:

2. Symptoms of dengue fever.

3. Treatment of dengue fever.

4. Experts views on treatment.

5. Unavailability of vaccine for dengue flavivirus.

6. How it becomes so easy for this virus to spread.

7. Globally the cases of dengue fever.

8. Steps should be taken to control it.


9. Control of dengue fever is pertinent.

Dengue fever characterised by acute onset of high fever, 3-14 days after the bite of an infected mosquito. Dengue fever Is caused by one of the four closely related viruses 'Stereotypes' of the genus "Flavivirus' family. In this disease was identified and named in. Patients develop frontal headache, retro-orbital pain, nausea, vomiting and often high fever. Many patients notice a change in taste sensation. Acute symptoms, when present, usually last about one week, but weakness, malaise (feeling of illness) and anorexia may persist for several weeks. 

A high proportion of infections produce no or minimal symptoms, especially in children. Treatment emphasises relief of symptoms, avoiding aspirin and other non-steroidal anti inflammatory medications which may aggravate the bleeding tendency associated with some dengue infections. To manage pain and fever, patients suspected of having dengue infection should be given drugs used to lessen fever or pain.

About the treatment of dengue fever, the health experts stress the need for maintaining adequate hydration and encouraging oral fluid intake. In addition, monitoring for signs of haemorrhagic fever and early appropriate treatment are key to ensuring survival if the patient progresses to a more severe form of dengue infection. 

There is no commercially available vaccine for dengue flavivirus. Researchers have planned to test the dengue vaccine on 3000 to 5000 human volunteers within the next three years after having successfully conducted test on animals. 

The frequency of the epidemic has increased significantly during the past 20 years. Modern transportation makes it easy for travellers to visit virtually any location on the globe, including areas where dengue is endemic.

Globally, there are an estimated 50 to 100 million cases of dengue fever (DF) and several hundred thousand cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) per year. Average fatality rate of DHF is about five percent. 

In the Philippines (Jan-Aug 2006) there were 13,468 cases with 167 dead. In Indonesia (2004) 80,000 infected with 800 dead. In Karachi, Pakistan till 28 October 2006 the patients rose to 1836 and 30 of these died.

DHF Dengue Shocks Syndrome can be effectively managed by intravenous fluid replacement therapy and if diagnosed early, fatality rates can be kept below one percent. It is very important that physicians and other health care providers learn to recognize this disease. 




1. Strikes obstruct economic progress 

2. Delay in order's delivery. 

3. Bid impact on internal organizational relationship 

4. Increase in unemployment rate 

5. Decrease in per capita income and social impacts 

6. Less foreign investment 

7. underutilization of reserves 

8. Bad image of country on other counties 

9. Defect in BOP and BOT 

10. Conclusion 

Economic progress of a country is affected by many factors. One of the biggest cause is the strikes by workers in factories. Strikes are declared for increase in wages or it is cased by uncommon. 

Strikes delay delivery of orders because when workers are on strike then they stop manufacturing unless their demands are fulfilled or some companies are made among administrators and workers. Strikes create bad relationship among staff because some members are with administration and some are with staff on strike. 

Strikes cause increase in unemployment rate because owners of the companies kick out some workers which create disturbance in the working of organizations which creates unemployment in the country and unemployment rate increases. 

Due to unemployment, per capita income decreases which has social impacts because it decreases standard of living of the people. It creates class conflict. Richer get richer and poorer get poorer. 

Strikes create bad impact on foreign investment. Foreigners hesitate to invest in the country where internal maters of the country are so such in disentrance because they don't consider their investment secure and profitable. They want to invest their capital where internal matters are settled and economy is working properly. They consider their investment profitable in those counties.

Strikes also badly affair human resources. Many skilled workers waste their time and skill when they are on strike. Human resources are very important element of economic development of any country. When human resources of any country are wasted economic progress of any country hampers.

Strikes create underutilization of resources because when people are on strikes then there is stoppage of every activity in an organization due to which reserves are not properly utilized. 

When strikes are called in any country it draws very bad image on other countries about your country. Countries will consider that there are not favourable conditions for investment. So strikes create very bad impact on economic progress. 

BOP and BOT is also affected by strikes. Because due to strikes when there will be no manufacturing, Govt will have to import things to fulfil the necessaries of public. Excess of imports over exports will create deficit in BOP and BOT. 

In abort, we can conclude from above dispassion that strikes are main hindrance in the way of economic progress, These are main obstacles in the regularity of business due to business fare loss and sometimes strikes cause closing of business and even liquidation. Problems should be solved through negotiaton between worker and management and some mid way should be adopted.




1. Nature of mass media. 

2. Journalism and the electronic revolution.

3. Characteristics of mass communication. 

4. Mass media in Pakistani society. 

5. Four broad tasks of mass media: 

  • (a) Education and instruction 
  • (b) Information and interpretation 
  • (c) Persuasion 
  • (d) Entertainment 

6. Concluding remarks 

In popular usage of the term 'mass media' refers to the role of television, radio, newspapers, books and other media in society. They represent modern sophisticated channels of communication. Though the mass media make communication possible over great distances, they are simply technical devices built into the human communication process. 

In a developing country like Pakistan, the functions of the mass media are the same as those in the West but the nature of the masses is vastly different. Low literacy percentage, differences in the way of life of the urban and rural population, devotion to cherished traditional norms, economic backwardness and lack of advanced technology prevent the formation of a standardised cultural pattern. This is perhaps a boon rather than a bane for it saves them from being swallowed up by the electronic media. The system as available in Pakistan performs four broad task: instruction, information, persuasion and entertainment and in that order. 

In their role as teacher, the media are boost or supplementing the work of home, mosque and school. Keeping within the fold of customary values, every effort is being made to transform social behaviour so that it conforms to the Islamic way of life. The printed and the spoken word is being used to eradicate social evils and to propagate democratic behaviour. 

As informers and interpreters, the media do not confine themselves to holding a mirror up to an event to show its surface. The gathering convolution of public affairs has made it increasingly difficult to confine reporting to the strait jacket of unadorned fact. New facts of economic life and intricacies of political decisions very often need to be explained. 

The medial, subtly or blatantly, act as powerful sources of persuasion. We have become the focus of all sorts of special entreating; we are called upon to make manifold decisions in our several roles as citizens, consumers and members of small groups. Most of the persuasion comes from advertisers or from specialised agencies like the municipal corporation or traffic police. Entertainment has a powerful appeal and the mass media have all the wherewithal to provide it. The newspaper with its human interest stories, the radio with its titling melodies, the TV with its assortment of plays and sports events — all cater to the individual desire to be entertained. Mass media carry on enormous amount of pure diversion which is escapist in content. 

Mass media satisfy certain needs. Different people make different uses of the media. Age, sex, education, socioeconomic status — such things tend to influence the reasons for which people turn to the media. Mass media have been the subject of much debate. Good or bad, they have come to stay.


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