pair of words



Almost in every language, we come across certain words, which are spelt in the way but are differently pronounced or vice versa. We find the same case in the English language. In English subject we find number of words that confuse us because these words spelt alike but are differently pronounced as well as have different meanings. Then we have words, which are differently spelt but are pronounced in the same way. There is also a third kind of words which are spelt as well as pronounced in the same way but have different meanings.These kinds of words are called, Homographs, Homophones and Homonyms respectively.


A word spelt like another word but with a different meaning or pronunciation e.g.


piece of wood bent into a curve used as a weapon for shooting arrows.


bend the body or head as a sign of respect, as a greeting.



A word pronounced like another word but with a different spelling e.g.

yoke  ---- a frame of wood to join oxen for drawing a plough

yolk ---- the central or the yellow part of the egg.



A word spelt and pronounced like another word but with different meaning e.g.

see: become aware by using the eyes.

see: district for which a bishop is responsible


This post includes such words, which are liable to be confused.


1. abject -- mean; miserable

He is living in abject poverty.

Object --- aim; a thing that can be seen or touched.

What is your object in coming here?


2. able -- possessing the quality of doing something well

He is an able teacher.

capable --- possessing sufficient good or evil qualities

Man is capable of doing evil and good.


3. ability --- the quality of doing something in a good way

He has no ability for this kind of work. 

capacity --- the ability to hold or produce in large number or quantity.

I have a great capacity to do this work.


4. about ---less or a little more

He is about eight years old.

almost -- nearly

He was almost dead when we reached there.


5. abstain --- not use something often for sake of health

He abstained from smoking all his life.

refrain — restrain oneself from some spontaneous action

I could not refrain from laughing at his foolishness.


6. accede --- opinion or agree to an proposal

Aslam acceded to his request.

concede --- admit that something is true, proper.

She was forced to concede that she was wrong.


7. access --- approach; admittance

He is proud of his access to the ministers. 

excess --- intemperance, state of going beyond limits

Excess of everything is bad.


8. accept -- receive with favour; to approve

I accepted his invitation to dinner.

except -- to omit or means to leave out from a number or Whole.

All the boys were present except Akram.


9. adapt -- to make suitable; to adjust

A clever and active man adapts himself to every situation he faced.

adopt --- to take and put into practice as one's own what is not so naturally; to take voluntarily as one's own child.

Some Indians have adopted western ways of life.

We adopted him after the death of his parents.

adept --thoroughly proficient; expert

He is very adept in painting.


10. admit --- acknowledge to be true

I admit that I helped him.

confess --- own as a fault

In the court he confessed his guilt.


11. admission ---

Babar could not gain admission to Government College Karachi.

admittance —

Aslam could not gain admittance to the room.


12. affect — to impress or influence the mind or feelings

Bilal was deeply affected by the death of her mother.

effect -- My advice had no effect on Aslam.


13. affection -- love.

Babar has great affection for his children.

affectation --- pretension

A sensible man dislike affectation.


14. afflict — to do harm

Sagheer was afflicted with blindness in his old age.

inflict -- to impose

The dacoits inflicted severe injuries on him.


15. air --

We take breath in air.

heir --

He is the only heir to a large property.


16. alibi --- a defence on the ground of having been in another place.

His alibi that Alina was out ot the country was found to be true.

Excuse -- exemption, apology

Imran is always making excuses for being late.


17. allusion --- an indirect reference; a hint

A writer should explain his allusions to book and events.

illusion --- an unreal or misleading image

Illusions of childhood do not last long.


18. alter --- to make different without changing into something else; to modify

My teacher corrected the topic and altered it a little.

altar --- a place or structure on which sacrifices are offered.

Sooner or later we have to go to the altar of death.


19.. alternate --- occurring by turns

The post in some towns is delivered on alternate days.

alternative --- another, offering a choice of other things.

He will have to do this work; there is no alternative.


20. altogether --- complete; wholly; absolutely

He is altogether ignorant of what has happened to you.

all together --- an adjective phrase meaning all in one company.

We went there all together.


21. amiable --- good natured

She is amiable and is liked by all family.

amicable --- friendly

I have amicable relations with him.


22. amount --- amount is used for weight and volume

I have still great amount of work to do.

number --- is used for things to count them.

There is a large number of books in this bag.


23. apposite --- proper

Your comment was quite proper and apposite

opposite —

They bade good-bye to each other and walked away on opposite directions.


24. apprehend --fear, anticipate with anxiety

As I apprehend, the situation was became serious.

comprehend --- grasp the meaning of

Before giving an answer, comprehend the question completely.


25. artisan --- a person skilled in one of the fine arts.

artist --- a person who has a skill of the fine arts.

He is an artist and he  paint pictures.

artiste — a professional dancer or singer

Some of the leading artistes participated in the dancing show.


26. ascent --- act of rising; an upward slope

We were very tired after climbing the hill.

assent --- agreement

The Mr. President gave his assent to the new bills.


27. aural -- pertaining to ear

Aural aids are used in education sector now-a-days.

oral ---

yesterday he appeared in the oral test.


28. averse -- opposed to

John is averse to criticism.

adverse --- harmful; unsuitable

I was angered by his adverse remarks.


29. avocation --- diversion of attention: a hobby; minor occupation.

Bilal is a teacher, and painting is his avocation.

vocation --- regular employment; occupation; profession

His vocation is teaching,


30. ballet --- a dance

Chinese ballet is worth-seeing.

ballot --- piece of paper used for voting in elections.

He put the ballot (paper) in the ballot box.


31. bare - without clothes or covering; naked

You should not go out in the sun bareheaded.

bear --- a large and heavy mammal with long shaggy hair ������

I saw a bear in the zoo.


32.  baron --- a rich owner of land

At one time the Barons were very powerful in England.

barren --- not conducive to growth

It is a barren land, and crops are not grows here.


33. beach --- seashore

Children were playing on the beach.

beech -- a tree

The beech trees look very graceful or beautiful.


34. beat -- to strike

Ahmed beat his younger brother.

beet -- a vegetable

Sugar is made from beet also.


35. beneficent --- kind

Our master is very beneficent, and I like him.

beneficial --- useful

The new education policy is beneficial to all.


36.  berth --- an allotted place; situation or billet.

We reserved a berth in the Pakistan Mail,

birth --- act or tact of being born

He gave a dinner to his friends on the birth of his first son.


37. beside --- nearby, at or by the side of.

There is a park beside our house.

besides --- over and above; in addition

Besides this, we have other evidence to prove our claim.


38. born --- to be brought into existence by birth 

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

borne --- past participle of bear

The cost of her education and food was borne by his brother.


39. brake --- device for stopping the motion of a wheel, etc.

The brakes of my cycle are loose.

break --- to separate into parts

Bilal tried very hard but could not break the Lock.


40. bridal --- pertaining to a bride; a wedding

Her bridal dress was magnificent.

bridle --- the headgear with which a horse or donkey is governed

A horse is controlled with bridle.


41. calendar -- register of the divisions of a year.

He has brought next year's calendar.

calender --- a machine for finishing cloth etc.

He works in a calender factory.


42. cannon -- a gun

The cannons thundered in the battlefield.

canon --- fundamental law or principle

Their behaviour is against all canons of morality.

43. canvas --- a heavy closely woven cloth of flax used for tents, sails, etc.

These shoes are made of canvas.

canvass --- pledges.

They are canvassing for the election of theirs friends.


44. cast --- to throw

It is meaningless to cast pearls before swine.

caste --- a division of society

There is no caste system in Islam.


45. casual --- happening by chance

Yesterday they had a casual meeting with him near the electricity Office.

causal --- expressing a cause

All the events in a story must have causal links.


46. ceiling — inner roof of a room

The ceiling of this room is cracked.

roof — the top of a room

His room has tin-root.


47. cell --- a narrow room

Mr. Bilal was shut up in a narrow cell.

sell --- They sell college books.


48. cemetery --- graveyard

While going to home, He passed by the cemetery.

symmetry --- harmony

This statue has perfect symmetry.


49. censer --- a vessel for burning perfumes

Sweet perfumes rose from the censer.

censor --- an official examining publications, films.

The Censor Board has banned a number of foreign films and dramas.


50. censure --- to judge negatively

We should censure his bad manners.

criticise -- to judge either negatively or positively

Do not criticise unjustly.


51. ceremonial ----about ceremony

The priest was wearing a ceremonial dress.

ceremonious --- grand; affected

He is very ceremonious even in ordinary matters.


52. cession — yielding of property or rights to another

No country can allow the cession of any of its provinces or districts.

session — the sitting of court, council

The budget session of education sector will be held after two months.


53. check --- 

We could not check him from going to the cinema.

cheque — 

She has given me a cheque for ninty rupees.


54. childish --- silly

The councilor is fed up with his childish talk.

Childlike -- like a child; innocent

The old man is childlike in his behaviour.


55. chord — a string of a musical instrument such as a harp

A chord of the harp broke and the music instrument stopped.

Cord -- a string or small rope

Please tie this packet with a cord.


56. cite — to quote

Aslam cited many examples to prove her point.

site --- the local position of an edifice, area, town, etc.

The new site for the hotel has been selected.

sight --- the power of seeing; vision

His eye-sight is weak.


57. Climate -- 

The climate of Multan is very hot.

Weather --- 

Today, the weather is very pleasant.


58. Cold --- 

Cold wind blows in winter.

Cool --- 

We drink cool water in summer.


59. cloth ---unsown fabric

We bought some cloth from the market.

clothe --- to dress

The naked must be clothed.


60. coma --- a state of profound insensibility caused by disease, injury, or poison

She had been in a state of coma for 3 months before his death.

comma --- a sign ( , ) used in writing

You should omitted a comma here; please put it now.


61. common --- shared by all the members of a group.

This piece of land is the common property of all the villagers.

mutual -- reciprocally given and received

By a mutual agreement they have decided to help one another in the hour of need.


62. compare --- finding likeness and difference

He compares himself with Napoleon.

contrast --- finding differences between things.

His actions contrast sharply with his professions.


63. Complacent --- satisfied

Alina is not complacent about her achievement.


He is so complaisant that he is always ready to please others.


64. Complement --- completes

A sweet dish is a good complement to a meal.

Compliment --- a ceremonious greeting; ceremonious

Expression of approbation or admiration Please pay my compliment to your father.


65. Compose --- made up of

A hockey or football team is composed of eleven players.

Comprise — to contain; consist of

This house comprises ten rooms.


66. Compulsion --- subjection to force

He had to sign the agreement under computation.

Obligation --- duty

It is our obligation to help and support the poor.


67 Confidant --- one who is Confided in

He is guided by his Confidants.

confident --- full of Confidence

Whole class is confident of it success in the examination.


68. Congratulate --- wish joy to (an intimate term)

I congratulated him on his marriage.

Felicitate --- (wish joy to)

Many persons felicitated Aslam on his assumption of office.


69. conscious ---

He is conscious of this weakness. 

conscientious --- influenced by conscience

Aslam is a conscientious man and will always do what is right.

Scrupulous --- Conscientious about minor things

He is a very scrupulous in his business.


70. Consecutive -- following one after the other in close connection

Aslam went to his friend's house for three consecutive days but he was always out.

successive --- consecutive, regardless of length of interval.

After three successive failures, he gave up the idea of doing clothes business.


71. considerable --- huge; great

The fire Caused a considerable loss.

considerate --- caring for others

He is very considerate in his dealing with his friend


72. contagious --- communicable by touch

Plague is a contagious disease.

Infections — caused by infection

Influenza is an infectious disease.


73 contemptible --- deserving contempt

His habits are contemptible

contemptuous --- full of hatred

His contemptuous manner is disliked by everyone.


74. continual --- used with actions which are repeated again and again.

Your Continual absence from the meeting is not good for you.

continuous --- an action which is not interrupted

His continuous presence is necessary.


 75. Corporal -- belonging to the body

He was given corporal punishment.

corporeal --- pertaining to matter physical

Food and water are the corporeal needs of human.


76. Corps --- (pronounced core) a large unit of an army

Two to three divisions of army make one corps.

Corpse --- human dead body

She was killed in a road accident and her corpse was removed by the police.


77. council --- an assembly summoned for consultation, advice, etc.

The School Council is the highest body in a school.

counsel --- advice.

The daughter listened to the counsel of her mother and promised to follow it.


78. credible — reliable

Aslam think his statement is credible.

creditable --- deserving praise

Bilal had a creditable success in the CSS entry test.

credulous ---

A credulous person can be easily deceived.


79. crime --- 

Theft is a crime.

Sin --- 

cheating others is a sin.

vice --- 

The vice of gambling ruined him.


80. cue --- hint

He got the cue and acted accordingly.

queue --- a line,

Every one should stand in the queue and wait for their turn to deposit bill.


81. cure --- restore to health after disease

He was cured of malaria.

heal -- restore to soundness after a wound

This wound will heal slowly.


82. currant --- dried grapes

The children like to eat currant beans.

current --- happening new

The speaker discussed the current affairs.


83. custom --- generally accepted convention

Every country has its customs.

habit — mental make-up

The habit of walking a mile or two in the morning keeps a man healthy.


84. dairy --- place for keeping milk cattle

Aslam has bought this butter from a dairy.

diary --- a notebook

Aslam keep a diary to record important points during lecture.


85. deceased -- dead

The body of the deceased was sent to her father's home.

diseased --- sick; ill

Some people think that a diseased body has a diseased mind.


86. defective --- what is wanting in quality

The walls of that building are defective and may fall down any day.

deficient --- wanting in quantity

Some areas of our country are deficient in food and water.


87. defer — to put off; to postpone

The officer defer the meeting for next two days.

differ--- to have a difference

I differ with you on this matter.

88. dependant --- one who depends on others

Aslam had many dependants to look after.

dependent --- depending 

The result of this case is dependent upon the statement of the eye-witness. 

89. depreciate --- to express disapproval of

Every good thinking man deprecates the mean habits of flatterers. 

deprecate --- to lessen in price; to undervalue

This house was built long ago and has greatly depreciated in value. 

90. descent --- slope 

While coming down the descent, her foot slipped and she fell down. 

dissent --- disagreement 

The meeting could not decide anything because of the sharp dissent among the members. 

decent --- nice 

He is wearing a decent suit.

91. desert --- a barren region with no vegetation

The life of desert is very tuff.

dessert — fruit, etc., served after a meal

 Dessert was served after the dinner. 

92. desirable --- worthy of being desired 

It is desirable to have a clear aim in one's life. 

desirous --- having a desire 

He is desirous of going aboard for higher education. 

93. destination --- goal 

The travellers reached their destination in the evening. 

destiny --- fate 

Destiny rules over men. 

94. device --- a scheme 

He has thought of a new device to deceive you.

devise --- invent 

Ali is trying his best to devise a machine for the sowing of rice. 

95. dew --- moisture condensed on the surface of cool bodies especially at night. 

Dew falls gently. 

due --- owed or owing as right or debt, etc.

Give the devil his due. 

96. die --- to cease to live: to become dead

The old man is about to colour 

dye --- 

some men dye their hair. 

97. disability --- lack of fitness 

Babar is getting disability pension. 

inability --- quality or state of being unable 

He expressed his inability to accompany us to the hills. 

98. disburse -- to give money. 

The officer disbursed the wages of the workers. 

disperse --- scatter 

The crowd dispersed when the meeting was over. 

99. discriminate --- separate by discerning minute differences. 

Law is equal for all and does not discriminate between the rich and the poor. 

distinguish --- separate into kinds, classes, etc. 

One must distinguish between right and wrong. 

100. uninterested --- having no interest

He is completely uninterested in politics.

disinterested --- lack of interest 

The drivers watched them with disinterest.

101. dose --- a measured quantity of a medicine 

The doctor checked him and gave five doses of medicine. 

doze --- a light sleep 

The watchman was found dozing. 

102. draft --- script  

The draft of the summary is ready. 

draught --- one sip

He took a draught of cool water. 

103. droop --- bow 

The Rose drooped for want of water. 

drop -- fall 

A glass dropped from the hand of the child.

104. dual --- pertaining to two; double 

He is holding dual charge. 

duel --- a fight between two persons under formal conditions and in the presence of witnesses. 

The days of fighting a duel are ended. 

105. economic --- pertaining to economics

The economic condition of Pakistan is improving. 

economical --- frugal 

You should be economical in what you spend.

106. eligible --- qualified to be chosen 

Bilal is not eligible for the post of teaching. 

illegible --- indecipherable; that which cannot be read. 

His hand-writing is illegible. 

107. emigrant --- one who goes out of country.

Many Indians emigrants have settled in USA. 

immigrant --- one who comes from a foreign country. 

Asian immigrants are maltreated in Britain. 

108. eminent --- high; lofty; 

Alama lqbal was an eminent poet.  

imminent --- threatening to Occur; impending misfortunes, etc. 

War is imminent. 

109. empty --- having nothing in it. 

This glass is empty. 

vacant --- not occupied 

This house is vacant. 

110. engage --- to take part or busy

He was engaged in cleaning the carpet.

indulge --- to gratify tastes or desires. 

Akram has ruined his health by indulging in drinking. 

111. enviable --- worthy of being envied 

His health is enviable  

envious --- jealous 

He is envious of my success. 

112. essential ---

Food is essential for life. 

necessary --- unavoidable 

Your presence is not necessary. 

113. exceptionable --- objectionable 

His remarks were exceptionable. 

exceptional --- extraordinary 

He is a man of exceptional qualities. 

114. excite --- to move to strong emotion 

Aslam was excited by seeing his new car.

incite --- to instigate 

It is very bad to incite the people to violence. 

115. excuse — overlook without punishment

Please excuse me for coming late. 

pardon ---free from the penalty. 

The John begged pardon for the mischief done by him 

forgive --- give up resentment or claim for revenge. 

To err is human; to forgive divine. 

116. expect --- to look for (mentally) 

I expect that Aslam will top the examination. 

hope --- to wish; desire 

I hope to meet you next Sunday. 

117. facility --- ease 

The Govt. is giving more facilities to the foreign students. 

felicity --- the state of being happy or comfort

He is living in felicity and comfort. 

118. faction --- group; party 

There are many factions among the students.

fiction --- something imagined and invented.

The statement giving by you is full of lies and fiction. 

119. faint ---to become unconscious 

Akram fainted on seeing the snake.

feint --- a simulation

Alia made a feint of loving the child more than its mother. 

120. fair --- a carnival  

They went to see the village fair.

fare --

The railway fares have increased. 

121. familiar --- informed 

Aslam is quite familiar with the facts. 

intimate --- associated through ties of blood, friendship, etc. 

He is my intimate friend. 

122. famous --- distinguished; renowned.

Aslam is a famous poet. 

notorious --- noted for some bad practice, etc.

He is a notorious thief. 

123. fatal --- resulting in death 

He met with a fatal accident. 

fateful --- decisive 

On the fateful night of March 15, the army stormed the Golden Temple. 

124. feat --- a trick 

The juggler showed many feats. 

feet ---plural of 'foot' 

We must stand on our own feet. 

125. flea --- an insect 

A flea is a small insect. 

flee -- to run away 

The enemy army had to flee from the battlefield.

126. floor --- covered ground of earth

I sat on the brick floor. 

flour --- milled grain 

Flour is obtained from wheat. 

flower --- 

Rose is a beautiful flower. 

127. foreword --- 

The foreword of this book throws light on its topic. 

forward --- 

When the signal is green, traffic moves forward. 

128. fore --- 

The horse raised his fore legs.

four --- 

A cow has four legs. 

129. foul --- offensive; profane 

A nice man do not use foul language. 

fowl --- domestic cock or hen 

He has built a new cage for his fowls. 

130. freedom ---exemption from arbitrary control, Aazadi

In a democratic country everyone has the freedom of thought and speech. 

liberty --- release from captivity or slavery. 

He has been set to liberty after two years in jail. 

131. funeral --- the procession attending the burial of the dead. 

Millions of people attended Quaid-e-Azam's funeral. 

funereal --- appropriate to a funeral; sad and solemn 

His funereal appearance made me sad. 

132. further --- advance on space, time, quantity, degree, etc. 

No further action will proceed in this matter.

farther --- at a greater distance in space time.

When we went farther, we saw a stream of clear water.

133. gait -- manner of walking or running 

She has a graceful gait. 

gate --- entrance 

The color of my house's gate is Red.

134. gamble --- to play for money or other stake 

He gambled away all his money. 

gambol --- to frisk:

The kids gambolled and played on the grass. 

135. gaol -- jail 

The thief was sent to goal. 

goal --- destination  

He tried hard and won his goal. 

136. genteel --- elegant; graceful 

She affects genteel manner. 

gentle -- honourable; refined 

He is gentle and noble. 

137. ghastly --- horrible 

He killed his brother in anger, but lost his senses after this ghastly act. 

ghostly --- pertaining to an apparition; relating to a spirit.  

Yesterday I saw a ghostly thing in the park. 

138. gilt -- shining surface 

The poor woman could not buy even the gilt ornaments. 

guilt --- sin 

His guilt came to tight in the court. 

139. glass -- 

This jar is made of glass. 

gloss --- soft and shining appearance 

The rain water produced black gloss.

140. graceful --- elegant 

He looks graceful in his new dress. 

gracious --- abounding in grace or kindness

God is gracious. 

14. hail--- small roundish lumps of ice 

He was caught in a hail-storm. 

hale — sound: healthy 

Even he is a old man but he is hale and hearty. 

142. hanged --- executed 

The murderer was hanged on the gallows.

hung --- suspended 

He hung his coat on the peg. 

143. heal --- recover the health, to cure

Your wound will heal very soon. 

heel --- the hind part of the human foot, shoe, etc. 

The heel of your left shoe is worn out. 

144. healthy --- being in a state of health 

A healthy man is a wealthy man. 

healthful --- serving to promote health of body and mind. 

We must take some healthful exercise daily.

145. heard --- pasts tense of hear 

I heard a noise. 

herd --- a number of beasts or cattle. 

A herd of goats or sheeps is in the field. 

146. hew --- to cut with an axe 

They are hewing down the trees. 

hue --- form; appearance; colour 

The rainbow has many hues. 

147. historic --- important / memorable 

The prime minister made a historic speech.

historical --- pertaining to history 

We visited many historical places in Lahore.

148. hoard — to store 

Only the enemies of humanity hoard grain to make more money. 

horde — great number 

The hordes of enemy attacked the city. 

149. honorary ---as an honour; without salary

Lubna is an honorary woman of this society.

honourable — worthy of respect 

The Honourable Chief Minister addressed the crowd in our village. 

150. human --- belonging to man 

To err is human. 

humane — kind; benevolent 

He is humane and forgiving. 

151. Ice — frozen water 

People use ice in hot season. 

snow --- 

Snow falls on the mountains in winter. 

152. idle --- without work; unemployed 

Do not idle away your time. 

idol --- an image or representation of a deity 

The Hindus worship idols. 

ideal -- a standard of perfection 

He has an ideal character. 

153. illusion -- a false appearance; misconception. 

Aslam has no illusion that he will mend his ways.

delusion --- a fixed misconception. It is a much stronger word than illusion. 

Arturul ghazi was under the delusion that he could conquer the Turk. 

154. imaginary -- unreal 

Your fears are unreal and imaginary.

imaginative --- full of imagination mind

He has an imaginative mind. 

155. impassable --- incapable of being passed

The road to Kaghan Valley becomes impassable during rainy season. 

impossible --- incapable of occurring

Teacher said to his students nothing was impossible in the world. 

156. imperial --- royal 

The president addressed the Parliament with full imperial dignity. 

imperious --- proud 

I do not like his imperious attitude.

 impervious -- impenetrable 

He is impervious to reason. 

157. imply --- suggest or express indirectly 

Aslam's attitude implied that he did not trust is brother. 

infer --- to draw a conclusion 

I inferred from his talk he would do some mischief. 

158. industrial — relating to industry. 

Asia is making great progress in the industrial field. 

industrious --- hardworking 

He is industrious by nature and it will pay him in the long run. 

159. ingenious --- adroit, shrewd, clever 

He found an ingenious way to save himself.

 Ingenuous --- open; frank; candid 

Be fair and ingenuous in your dealings with others. 

160. insensible -- incapable of feeling 

He is insensible to finer feelings. 

senseless --- unconscious 

He was hit by a speedy car and fell down senseless. 

161. judicial --- pertaining to court 

A judicial inquiry will be held yesterday in the murder case.

judicious --- wise 

He gave a judicious advice. 

162. junction --- place of meeting 

Lahore is a famous railway junction. 

juncture --- state of affairs 

You should act boldly at this juncture. 

163. Later --- comparative degree of late 

He came to the meeting later than I had expected 

Latter --- of two things, the one mentioned afterwards. 

If we compares riches and health, the latter is more valuable, means health is valuable.

Letter --- a written or printed communication of a personal nature. 

He has just received a letter from postman. 

164. Less -- is used to denote degree, quantity or extent; and takes a singular noun. 

He got much with less effort. 

fewer --- is used to denote number, and takes a plural noun. 

There are fewer plants in this portion of the garden. 

165. lessen --- to decrease; to become less

The doctor tried to lessen his pain. 

lesson --- a reading exercise for study 

The instructor told the class to revise their lesson. 

166. liar — a person who utters falsehood. 

Aslam is a liar man and he has no respect in society. 

lawyer --- a practitioner of law 

Quaid-e-Azam was also a famous lawyer. 

167. lose --- to suffer loss; to miss from one's possession 

If you speak liar you lose your honour.

loose --- not fastened; free; unattached, said of things ordinarily confident 

The horse broke loose and ran away. 

168. lovable --- worthy of love 

He is noble and lovable. 

lovely --- beautiful 

We saw a lovely scene 

169. luxuriant — profuse; considerable 

Her long, black, shining and luxuriant hair flowed down her shoulders. 

luxurious --- given to luxury 

Aslam is a rich man and he lives a luxurious life. 



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