Correction of incorrect sentences

Correction of incorrect sentences with rules, Reason and explanation AGREEMENT BETWEEN VERB AND SUBJECT A verb must agree with its subject in number and person. Thus a singular subject requires a singular verb and a plural subject requires a plural verb. Incorrect Correct The number of students have increased in our class. The number of students has increased in our class. Love beget love. Love begets love. One of the dogs bite the children. One of the dogs bites the children. Our company have a good policy for promoting its employees. Our company has a good policy for promoting its employees. Five thousand dollars are a lot of money. Five thousand dollars is a lot of money. A range of mountains enclose the city of Abbotabad. A range of mountains encloses the city of Abbotabad. Ten miles are a long distance. Ten miles is a long distance. Five hundred thousand rupees are not a big amount these days. ...