pair of words
WORDS LIABLE TO BE CONFUSED / PAIRS OF WORDS Almost in every language, we come across certain words, which are spelt in the way but are differently pronounced or vice versa. We find the same case in the English language. In English subject we find number of words that confuse us because these words spelt alike but are differently pronounced as well as have different meanings. Then we have words, which are differently spelt but are pronounced in the same way. There is also a third kind of words which are spelt as well as pronounced in the same way but have different meanings.These kinds of words are called, Homographs, Homophones and Homonyms respectively. Homograph A word spelt like another word but with a different meaning or pronunciation e.g. bow: piece of wood bent into a curve used as a weapon for shooting arrows. bow: bend the body or head as a sign of respect, as a greeting. Homophone A word pronounced like another word but with a different spelling...