PARTS OF SPEECH There are nine Parts of speech. They are: 1. NOUN 2. PRONOUN 3. ADJECTIVE 4. VERB 5. ADVERB 6. PREPOSITION 7. CONJUNCTION 8. INTERJECTION 9. ARTICLE In this post we discuss only about pronoun. PRONOUN: pronoun is define as; 'a word which is used in place of a noun'. We have to use pronouns to avoid the repetition of nouns. Read the following sentences: Quaid-e-Azam is the founder of Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam devoted his life for its creation. Quaid-e-Azam's contribution to its independence is unforgettable. In these sentences the repetition of `Quaid-e-Azam' does not look nice. We, therefore, replace it with pronoun as: Quaid-e-Azan is the founder of Pakistan. He devoted his life for it's creation. His contribution to independence is unforgettable. While replacing the other words, pronouns carry the meaning of these replaced words. Kinds of Pronouns: 1. Personal Pronouns 2. Reflexive Pronou...